V1.3d Shareware Cheats Codes NOTE: It works best to type in the cheat code while the game is paused. (Hit the Pause key first) Useful Cheat Codes Code Effect ------------------ dnclip Toggles clipping mode - walk thru walls dncoords Gives your coordinates in upper left-hand corner dndebug Toggles debug mode dnhyper Steroids dninventory Get all inventory items. dnitems Get all the powerups and keys. dnkeys Gives you all the keys dnkroz Toggles God mode dnmonsters Toggles the presence of monsters (starting with v1.1) dnrate Displays the frame rate in the upper left hand corner. dnscottyXYY Level Warp (X=episode number, YY=two-digit level number) dnshowmap Shows entire map of level dnskill# Changes the skill level of the game. dnstuff Get all weapons, ammo, powerups, and keys. dnview Toggles view mode (same effect as F7 key) dnweapons Gives you all the weapons Useless Cheat Codes Code Effect ------------------ dncashman Duke throws out money when you hit the spacebar. dntodd Gives you the message "Register Cosmo Today!" dnallen Gives you the message "Buy Major Sryker" dnbeta Gives you the message "Pirates suck!"